Angelic Pretty Cutie Ribbon Princess Head Bow
0 1 day
antlerize (+4, -0)
(United Kingdom)
Comments Rating Link
Exceedingly rapid shipping and prompt communication, dress + accessories in perfect condition. Great seller!
- siiiriol (Buyer)
Positive (12/05/21) Angelic Pretty Mercator Antique Shop Long JSK + Head Bow and Wrist Cuffs -- Navy 12/05/21
Very sweet and understanding buyer. Thank you!!
- ephemeral_dream (Seller)
Positive (11/22/21) Angelic Pretty Dreamy Baby Room Salopette & Accessories 11/22/21
Perfect buyer, great communication, quick payment. Everything went smooth and quickly!
- zombieyanos (Seller)
Positive (05/08/21) Angelic Pretty Dreamy Baby Room salopette 05/08/21
Paid promptly and was very communicative. Would sell to again, thank you so much :)
- ahnubisrahnei (Seller)
Positive (03/11/18) Angelic Pretty Mercator Antique Shop Long JSK + Headbow -- Navy 03/11/18