Comments Rating Link
Very timely and kind buyer, it was a joy to sell to them!! Thank you!
- juna1lens (Seller)
Positive (12/04/24) Bodyline Rose Stripe Bustle JSK - Navy 12/04/24
Great communication and overall smooth transaction. Would recommend ^^
- Psykogirl65 (Seller)
Positive (10/17/24) Purple Rose headdress = URGENT SALES! 10/17/24
Great communication and overall smooth transaction. Would recommend ^^
- Psykogirl65 (Seller)
Positive (10/17/24) Summertales Ivory bonnet = FINAL DISCOUNT! 10/17/24
Thank you !! ^_^
- nxehi (Seller)
Positive (09/04/24) 90s MILK Black x Light Pink Frill Half Sleeve Sweater 09/04/24
Thank you !! :D
- nxehi (Seller)
Positive (09/04/24) MILK Pink Rose Leopard Print Cardigan 09/04/24