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Comments Rating Link
Great buyer!
- Amaiangel (Seller)
Positive (04/13/23) Plus size Infanta Tea Party deluxe chiffon OP in Dark Green 04/13/23
Thank you!
- MilkyKittyCat (Seller)
Positive (01/06/23) Gray Cat JSK - PLUS SIZE FRIENDLY 01/06/23
Thank you for a smooth transaction!
- YellowEyes1467 (Seller)
Positive (12/01/22) Metamorphose Ladder Lace Ribbon JSK Set in Navy 12/01/22
Enjoy the OP!
- Jayden (Seller)
Positive (03/29/22) Reserved! 03/29/22
A+ buyer!
- nagatopedia (Seller)
Positive (10/22/21) Starry Carrousel TaoBao JSK NWT 10/22/21
Would gladly do business with again
- Rilakkumagi (Seller)
Positive (12/03/19) Angelic Pretty toy parade salopette and head bow 12/03/19
Buyer was really easy to work with. Replied to my messages and paid quickly.
- AnaBanana (Seller)
Positive (06/25/19) To My Dear Cinderella Blue JSK 06/25/19
Quick communication and fast payments! Great buyer! Thank you!
- classical.frill (Seller)
Positive (03/29/19) NWT Navy Striped Fanplusfriend JSK 03/29/19
Won the dress but never payed or responded to messages :( too bad.
- rainbowswitchblade (Seller)
Negative (04/21/18) Baby The Stars Shine Bright Old School JSK 04/21/18