Comments Rating Link
Great buyer, thank you!! :)
- ouroboros (Seller)
Positive (12/22/24) Little Dipper The Princess of Windsor OP Long Version 12/22/24
Great buyer, very understanding and nice to communicate to. Thanks for the purchase <3
- KathKei (Seller)
Positive (08/07/24) [New] Witch Notes - JSK 08/07/24
great buyer, understanding and easy to work with. thank you!
- lisanna.loxer (Seller)
Positive (07/29/24) Cold Weather Friendly Lot (Mist Sweater, warm bloomers, faux fur collar) 07/29/24
Thanks for purchasing <3
- seaio1917 (Seller)
Positive (07/29/24) Socks bundle 07/29/24
Awesome buyer, smooth communication and transaction, fast payment. Thank you so much! :)
- yoki1126 (Seller)
Positive (06/21/24) MILK Rabbit Ear Blouse - Black 06/21/24