Comments Rating Link
Quickly paid, thank you!
- Kujo Tenn (Seller)
Positive (08/02/22) Bodyline Chocolate Full JSK 4L 08/02/22
Thank you for your quick payment and a pleasant transaction.
- cherry_sp (Seller)
Positive (07/01/22) Anna House Brick Red Daisy Lace A-Line OP Size XXL NWOT 07/01/22
great buyer to work with. Thank you for your purchase!
- jc71 (Seller)
Positive (06/11/22) Bodyline Amadeus JSK 2L (Blue x Black) 06/11/22
Lovely skirt! Cute and love the pin! Thank you for excellent communication and fast shipping! :)
- Gwennygirl (Buyer)
Positive (05/29/14) sweet bodyline skirt 05/29/14