Comments Rating Link
- Teffy (Seller)
Positive (10/30/16) Bodyline Poodle skirt + taobao turtleneck sweater SET 10/30/16
Fast payment! Thank you. ^__^
- Hellolitakitty (Seller)
Positive (09/19/14) DreamV Black Pony Jumper Skirt 09/19/14
She bought a Luna Rossa JSK from me, and was nothing but lovely throughout the transaction. She also PMed me when it arrived which was great. I'd happily sell to her again!
- mllemusique123 (Seller)
Positive (07/14/14) 'Luna Rossa' 'End of the Vanitas' JSK II 07/14/14
Buyer was very polite and understanding and was prompt with payment. Would do business with her again.
- petit-piaf (Seller)
Positive (03/19/14) Magic Tea Party Black Bolero 03/19/14
Buyer was very polite and understanding and was prompt with her payment. Would do business with her again.
- petit-piaf (Seller)
Positive (03/19/14) Surface Spell Judgment Day skirt 03/19/14