Eternal Rose Bouquet JSK
$350 $250 BIDDING
$350 $300 BUY IT NOW
0 15 days
bakonekotokyo (+9, -0)
(United Kingdom)
Comments Rating Link
Seller was very communicative and skirt was sent very quickly and packaged perfectly, thank you so much!
- bestofyosuke (Buyer)
Positive (07/07/23) BtSSB Jeweled Cinderella Skirt 07/07/23
Everything as described - item was returned to sender and they sent it with another service to make sure it made it to me the second time. Thank you so much!
- if-i-want-to-dance (Buyer)
Positive (01/14/23) Decoration Dream OP Yellow 01/14/23
A very friendly seller! Everything went absolutely great :)
- Moii (Buyer)
Positive (01/14/19) AP Romantic Rose letter OP dress set 01/14/19
Very sorry about late feedback, I thought I had left it! Very pleasant buyer, prompt payment and no problems.
- lalapyu (Seller)
Positive (06/09/18) Kiss Me Cat OP 06/09/18
Excellent buyer; fast payment and good communication. Thank you for giving these items a good home! <3
- laloria (Seller)
Positive (09/05/17) AP Kiss Me Cat Purse, Wallet and Tights Set 09/05/17
Communicative and prompt with payment. Great buyer!
- el3phantbird (Seller)
Positive (08/30/17) Listen Flavor x Danganronpa Sweatshirt 08/30/17
Wonderful seller and such a great dress :)
- jolly_fishcake (Buyer)
Positive (07/20/15) Infanta Sleeping Beauty 07/20/15
Very fast payment, trouble-free person. Recommend this buyer!
- Erena (Seller)
Positive (01/30/15) BtSSB Heart Transparent Knitting Cardigan 01/30/15
perfect transaction !
- ikuko_chan (Seller)
Positive (12/14/14) Welcome to the Sweets Hexenhaus SET 12/14/14