Comments | Rating | Link |
A super sweet seller. They were so nice and easy to communicate with. The skirt arrived incredibly fast and it was packaged safely and securely. I'd wholeheartedly recomend buying from this seller! Thank you so much ♡
- Kardinaalilintu (Buyer) |
Positive (10/02/22) | Mermaid in the Jewelry Box Skirt - AATP |
Good communication, shipped quickly and items came exactly as described, thanks! This blouse is exactly what I needed :) Packaging could be sturdier though, or at least the items could be wrapped in plastic since the box came busted open with parts of the dresses hanging out and on the ground :'(
- reygni (Buyer) |
Positive (10/01/22) | Heart Lace Lovely Short Sleeve Blouse - BTSSB |
Good communication, shipped quickly and items came exactly as described, thanks! Packaging could be sturdier though, or at least the items could be wrapped in plastic since the box came busted open with parts of the dresses hanging out and on the ground :'(
- reygni (Buyer) |
Positive (10/01/22) | Air Pop Ribbon JSK - Emily Temple Cute |
Good communication, shipped quickly and items came exactly as described, thanks!
- reygni (Buyer) |
Positive (10/01/22) | Alice and the Pirates - Organdy Long JSK |
One of the best sellers i've met !!! I highly recommend c:
- Sa-chan (Buyer) |
Positive (03/28/21) | Angelic Pretty - Wrapping Ribbon JSK |
I received the item very fast. It was also packaged very well.
- Duplica (Buyer) |
Positive (03/19/21) | Angelic Pretty - Novelty Plate |
perfect transaction, thank you!
- Kafulein (Seller) |
Positive (06/19/19) | BTSSB ivory chiffon blouse |
Thank you very much for fast payment and great communication.
- Uduvihm (Seller) |
Positive (06/12/14) | Royal Unicorn Switching Gobelins JSK and Headbow |