Comments Rating Link
Friendly and trustworthy buyer, communication went smoothly and they paid quickly too!❤️
- Arrowkitteh (Seller)
Positive (11/14/24) Innocent World Snow White and the Red Apples size L 11/14/24
Lovely buyer, thank you for your patience and good communication!
- moonlight (Seller)
Positive (02/01/24) NWT Vina of the Valley Rosy Black set (top+skirt+bow) 02/01/24
Easy to communicate with, fast payment. <3
- FrostedGhostCake (Seller)
Positive (12/28/22) Lovely Snow Fantasy OP in Navy from Angelic Pretty 12/28/22
Great buyer good communication and fast transaction.
- HimeChii (Seller)
Positive (12/08/22) Soufflesong Steampunk Cat Skirt 12/08/22
Great buyer on time and fast.
- HimeChii (Seller)
Positive (12/08/22) AATP Starlit Sky Tent and the Secret Circus Troupe Ribbon Ribbon Bonnet 12/08/22
nice to work with
- OliviaMcE (Seller)
Positive (12/04/22) Angelic Pretty pretty girl cutsew OP 12/04/22
Buyer paid quickly and let me know when the items arrived safely!
- Anaira (Seller)
Positive (11/22/16) Innocent World Dwarf Story Skirt 11/22/16
Buyer paid quickly and let me know when the items arrived safely!
- Anaira (Seller)
Positive (11/22/16) AAtP Twilight Circus JSK II in Purple 11/22/16
Buyer paid quickly and let me know when the items arrived safely!
- Anaira (Seller)
Positive (11/22/16) Infanta Moon's Elegy Chiffon Blouse 11/22/16