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I purchased the listing at the BIN price and reached out to the seller about shipping. Despite me messaging them several times, they never responded. After a few weeks, I tried again and the seller informed me that they had sold it to someone local as they needed money due to quitting their job and it “was more convenient (and… more profitable)”, then proceeded to inform me that " the dress will be for sale later, but at it's intended value; I was informed that my offer was "insultingly" low.” The offer in question was, again, the Buy It Now Price, which the seller set. I am not unsympathetic to their situation but it is deeply inappropriate to sell off an item which someone has already bought without even telling them and then completely ghost them, even if I hadn’t sent them the money for it yet.
- if-i-want-to-dance (Buyer)
Negative (05/09/22) Lavender Lyrical Party JSK and Head bow 05/09/22