Comments Rating Link
Excellent! Friendly and easy to talk to seller. Item arrived safely and as described. I think the pricing was very fair and I'm just thrilled to have an item from my dream collection. Shipped my item safely and in a plastic covering which I very much appreciate. Thank you so much!
- maypurin (Buyer)
Positive (02/11/21) NWT AP Dream Cat Go Round OP *Free US Shipping* 02/11/21
Great buyer, made all payment plan payments within the set timeframe :)
- Airyu (Seller)
Positive (02/03/21) Imai Kira Dream Cat Go Round OP - Black 02/03/21
did a layaway payment on a dress. paid on time with no problems! good communication! would do business with again! highly recommended as buyer! A+
- Hervia (Seller)
Positive (12/15/20) NWOT Melty Ribbon Chocolate Size M Set - Pink 12/15/20
thank you so much
- twistedkawaii (Seller)
Positive (11/30/20) Angelic Pretty - Holy Lantern headband Head Bow Black x Gold 11/30/20
Very pleasant buyer, would sell to again!
- Silveretoile (Seller)
Positive (11/16/20) RELISTED new with tags Cats Tea Party in grey 11/16/20
Great buyer! Thanks for purchasing!
- Egg0310 (Seller)
Positive (11/03/20) Sheep Puff ❤️ Black shoes size 7 11/03/20
Incredible communication, super quick shipping, and everything is perfect! Thank you so very much!
- victorix (Buyer)
Positive (09/14/20) DO NOT BUY - Stardust Fantasia for Victorix 09/14/20
Swift payments, smooth transaction, superb buyer as usual!
- glockx009 (Seller)
Positive (07/04/20) (For Theresa) AP Candy Sprinkle Salopette + Barette 07/04/20
Swift payments, smooth transaction, superb buyer!!
- glockx009 (Seller)
Positive (05/06/20) (For Theresa) Angelic Pretty Ghost Night Bride JSK + Headbow veil 05/06/20
Nice buyer! Pay quickly!
- lunasakura (Seller)
Positive (11/29/19) Angelic Pretty Magic Amulet OP in Red 11/29/19
Super friendly! Fast communication and payment <3
- ClosetforDollz (Seller)
Positive (11/28/19) [RESERVED] [Includes shipping] Lolita Dress Angelic Pretty Magic Amulet Gothic OP 11/28/19
I couldn’t have asked for a more wonderful buyer! Great communication, fast payment. Thank you so much!
- BelovedxDoll (Seller)
Positive (10/27/19) AP Holy Lantern Red OP + socks 10/27/19
Wonderful buyer, fast payment and friendly communication, thank you so much.:)
- Kaw1dy (Seller)
Positive (09/28/19) Angelic Pretty Holy Lantern OP in Wine 09/28/19