Comments Rating Link
I had to message twice for confirming addresses, but she paid promptly upon getting the invoice. Just a bit quiet, no other problems!
- JinDdaPark (Seller)
Positive (12/30/18) EMERGENCY SALE: F+F Neo-Ludwig Classic Dress 12/30/18
Great buyer, easy transaction.
- HoorayForSeymour (Seller)
Positive (12/09/18) Dream V underbust salopette 12/09/18
Overall smooth transaction.
- Psykogirl65 (Seller)
Positive (03/02/18) AATP Regimental Stripe Vest in green 03/02/18
Paid the invoice fine, but still hasn't read two of the messages I sent. Overall a good buyer, just fairly quiet with communication.
- keito.harajuku (Seller)
Positive (03/01/18) DAMAGED Snow White JSK 03/01/18
Paid and responded to messages quickly! A smooth sale. :)
- auddiemac21 (Seller)
Positive (02/03/18) AatP Black Bow Cape 02/03/18
Fast and nice, thank you +++++
- Tsukiyo-De-Jarjayes (Seller)
Positive (01/27/17) MmM candelebra - roses and cross blouse. 01/27/17
Buyer took a few days to pay, but had some internet problems, and was patient with an unavoidable delay on my end in shipping, so it all balances out.
- GoodGollyLolly (Seller)
Positive (10/11/16) Soufflesong Mucha Art Print Skirt 10/11/16
Pleasant to communicate with and payment plan conditions were honored and all paid.
- magnoliophyta (Seller)
Positive (09/12/15) (Reserved) Krad Lanrete Phantom of the Opera OP Long 09/12/15
Buyer sent their payment on time, thank you A+
- chiizukeekisan (Seller)
Positive (07/12/15) Bodyline P193 corset OP size 2L 07/12/15
Paid quickly, would do business w/again!
- GraceMakesLace (Seller)
Positive (06/21/15) Infanta Sleeping Beauty 06/21/15
Excellent buyer! Payment plan invoices always paid in a timely manner and frequent communication made for an easy and pleasant transaction. Thanks!
- tvethiopia (Seller)
Positive (06/07/15) RESERVED Haenuli Angel of Music Skirt 06/07/15
Buyer was a timely communicator; paid promptly after invoicing. Thank you!
- ChuChuBucket (Seller)
Positive (03/04/15) Bodyline Shoes 192, Size 23.5, Sax 03/04/15