Velveteen Crown Trump Skirt

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Sold on: 01/05/20
Sold to: Lillsparv (+176, -0) (Sweden 15335)

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(+8, -0)
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Victorian Maiden

It has a small marks on the waist for having it hung in the closet with a clothes hanger, but is not very noticeable.
The fabric is very warm and is in perfect condition.

Lolibrary measurements:

Length: 57cm (49cm skirt length)

Waist: 64cm

Shipping to Europe: Contact seller for quote
Shipping outside Europe: Contact seller for quote
Condition: Minor Damage
Brand: Victorian Maiden
Style: Classic
Colors: Black, Greys, Dark
Category: Skirts
- All Items come from a Smoke-Free Home. I dont have cats or dogs. - I do not give refunds or accept returns - I accept trades. Feel free to ask. - Paypal eChecks are not accepted! Please do not pay this way - Once a package leaves my hands, I am no longer held liable. Not responsible for items that are lost or damaged through the Post. If a package is lost during transit, I will NOT refund for the article. - I only ship with full tracking and DON’T ship with DHL, UPS... - I am okay with accepting offers and payment plans, please pm me about something you're interested in. Low-balling and harassment about an item will be ignored

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  • Buy it Now placed by Lillsparv for €30 on 2020-01-05 15:35:50 UTC