Toy parade skirt + Bow

Sold for:


Sold on: 11/09/14
Sold to: labmousy (+11, -0) (USA, TX)

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(+12, -0)
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Angelic pretty pink toy parade skirt 1st release

°Angelic pretty

°toy parade skirt (pink)

°toy parade bow (pink)

°1st release

°good condition

°Little stain of tea



DOMESTIC SHIPPING: Europe: 22,60$ with tracking number
INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING: Everywhere Else: 32,98$ with tracking number

Shipping to Europe: Contact seller for quote
Shipping outside Europe: Contact seller for quote
Condition: Minor Damage
Brand: Angelic Pretty
Damage: Minor Stains
Colors: Pinks
Reference Link: Hellolace.Net
Category: Skirts
ask me for shipping (post in belgium are really expensive so for people who's not leaving in europe it might be abusive )


_AngelicPretty_ over 10 years ago
OMG wishi could but i only need the headbow :/
  • Bid placed by labmousy for $151 on 2014-11-02 20:27:38 UTC