Taobao strawberry mini hat

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Sold on: 06/03/20
Sold to: Linabeana (+10, -4) (48638)

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(+112, -0)
Seller location:
USA, MO 64136
I bought this thing as a part of a devilinspired haul I did while on a hypomanic episode. Decisions were made.

It's been sitting in my closet collecting dust and I swear I have no way to wear this.

It's never been used, but it isn't the highest quality craftsmanship. Could still be cute with maybe an OTT coord with a wig?? 

Shipping to United States: $0
This item does not ship outside United States
Condition: New Without Tag
Brand: Chinese Indie Taobao
Style: Sweet, Country
Colors: White, Reds, Gold
Category: Hair Accessories
I have cats, so please don't buy if you have allergies. All sales are final. Will ship internationally if you're willing to pay shipping.

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