Stribed Putumayo skirt w. underskirt and detachable pin

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Sold on: 09/14/18
Sold to: neoxie (+6, -0) (Canada, Quebec G1K 3T9)

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(+36, -0)
Seller location:
DENMARK, Copenhagen
This skirt was bought new in a Putumayo store in 2013 but only worn out about 3 times. It is in very good condition even though it's a bit wrinkly from being folded up. No damages or stains. The pin is detachable and the skirt can be worn with or without the underskit (see worn pictures for length)

Measurements (flat measurements):
Waist: 60-84 cm / 23.6-33 in
Length:Underskirt: 51 cm, skirt: 45 cm/ Underskirt 20 in, skirt 17.7 in
Weight: 400g

Without tracking: 8 USD
With tracking: 20 USD

Shipping to Europe: Contact seller for quote
Shipping outside Europe: Contact seller for quote
Condition: Very Good
Brand: Putumayo
Style: Classic, Punk, Casual
Colors: Black, Blues, Greys
Category: Skirts


Em98 over 7 years ago
How much would shipping to the UK be? Thank you
At-smoelfe over 7 years ago
Hi! International shipping prices: - without tracking: 8 USD - with tracking: 20 USD
  • Buy it Now placed by neoxie for $42 on 2018-09-14 12:45:57 UTC