BtssB Searching for Baroque tights (black)

Sold for:


Sold on: 11/19/16
Sold to: Most_of_the_Toast (+351, -1) (USA, CA, 91801)

Seller rating:

(+46, -0)
Seller location:
Illinois, USA
I've worn these tights twice and hand washed them. They are still in good condition but do show some signs of wear on some of the seams and at the bottom of the feet.

*note: because of my work schedule it may take me up to a week to ship items out.

*note 2: I don’t smoke but I live with people who do. I try to keep my clothes away from them as much as possible, but there is still a chance of a slight smell of smoke.
DOMESTIC SHIPPING: $5 - includes tracking and insurance

Shipping to United States: Contact seller for quote
Shipping outside United States: Contact seller for quote
Condition: Good
Brand: Baby The Stars Shine Bright
Style: Classic, Gothic
Colors: Black, Greys
Reference Link: Lolibrary.Org
Category: Socks and Tights

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  • Buy it Now placed by Most_of_the_Toast for $25 on 2016-11-19 19:33:01 UTC