Quick Sale - HMHM Cloak, Accessory lot

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Sold on: 04/25/23
Sold to: suizan (+22, -0) (Massachusetts)

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A wide variety of accessories, including a cloak, starry veil, versatile cos hat, feathered vest, long fan, sparkly blue overskirt, and trailing bow, among other small things. Need to sell fast, as I am in the process of moving cross-country. Unless noted otherwise, most of these accessories have not been used.

The lot includes:
HMHM Black Lady cloak, size M. Very thick and warm wool, worn only once (I didn't care for the texture against my neck).
Lolitain The Night of Stars and Moon veil (I cannot find the original brand; I believe the design may be a replica of Shimotsuki Sakura's Whisper of Stars dress)
1/3 Delusion Black Butler Ciel Phantomhive pink rose cos hat, tried on.
RJ Girls' Hall Sea of Phantom Butterflies back bow, worn once.
Gloaming Coral Jellyfish navy blue overskirt, worn once.
Peony Like A Dream (?) Snow Velvet gloves in black, tried on, didn't fit (they are very small!)
Le Fluor Jumping Shakalaka Jellyfish accessories in luminous blue (headband, choker, and wrist cuffs)
Doris Night Peacock Feather gold waist attachments
2 Lovely Lota pins
1 Hello Kitty hairclip
4 Jojo Siwa bow hairclips

And various odds and ends that I definitely don't know the brand of, including:
Black feather shoulder vest, tried on
Three soft hairclips, had a prior owner, but do not seem worn
Two bear ear + bows hairclips, worn by one prior owner
Black cat ear + bow hairband, worn by one prior owner
Black tophat MLP headband (it is hard to see, but there is a small clear pony attached - I am unsure which character it is), worn by one prior owner
Fuzzy peach earrings
Wrapped candy ring, had a prior owner, but looks brand new

And two handmade items I was given:
Handmade flower/feather long fan, never used, as it could do with some adjustment on the fan's outer lining
Flower crown, worn by prior owner

And one broken item that could be useful if fixed
Gold pearl waist/headdress chain with flowers and cross, brand unknown

I will be posting a few other lots, so if you purchase any of them together, I will combine shipping and give a bulk discount.  Please note that I currently can only ship to the USA.

Shipping to United States: $15
This item does not ship outside United States
Condition: Like New
Brand: Hmhm
Damage: Rips Or Tears
Style: Sweet, Classic, Gothic, Kuro, Casual
Colors: Black, White, Blues, Pinks, Pastels, Dark, Gold
Category: Other Accessories

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  • Bid placed by vampireishtar for $30 on 2023-04-21 12:01:09 UTC
  • Bid placed by suizan for $32 on 2023-04-20 23:18:51 UTC