Princess Crown Bouquet Ribbon JSK

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Sold on: 12/12/18
Sold to: magickat (+152, -0) (Australia)

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Metamorphose Princess Crown Bouquet Ribbon JSK in black x navy

I'm selling the Princess Crown Bouquet Ribbon JSK from Metamorphose in black x navy. I have worn it a few times and it is in very good condition. It has shirring and lacing in the back . The big and the two small ribbons are detachable. I will add a selfmade pearlchain, which is detachable and can be added to the chest or at the waist, like in my proof photo.

Bust: max. 90 cm
Waist: 74 cm

Shipping to Europe: Contact seller for quote
Shipping outside Europe: Contact seller for quote
Condition: Very Good
Brand: Metamorphose
Style: Classic, Gothic, Casual
Colors: Black
Reference Link: Lolibrary.Org
Category: Jumperskirt
- I will invoice in Euro. - All items will be shipped within a week after purchase. I will only ship to the address registered on Paypal. - The shipping costs depends on your location and the value of the item. Feel free to ask for shipping to your country. - Feel free to send me an reasonable offer, if you don't like my prices - I can do holds and payment plans. I will hold an item for up to one month. Payment plans can be made over three month with a 20% non-refundable deposit. Please send me a message before you buy and we can work something out.

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  • Bid placed by magickat for €51 on 2018-12-12 12:54:01 UTC

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