Oh! Happy Day JSK

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Selling this for my sister. It was originally bought here on Lacemarket for $87. There’s no tags anywhere on the dress, so I’m not sure of any details about the brand or official sizing.

According to the original lacemarket seller, the measurements are:
Bust: 76 - 104cm
Waist: 70 - 92cm
Length: 90 - 93cm

It has full back shirring. I didn’t see any damage on it when looking it over.

The print is very cute!

Shipping to United States: $10
This item does not ship outside United States
Condition: Like New
Brand: Chinese Indie Taobao
Style: Sweet
Colors: Creams, Blues, Yellows, Pinks
Category: Jumperskirt
-Once the item is out of my hands, I am no longer responsible for it. -I only accept paypal. -I have a cat. Her hair may be found on the items. It would probably be best not to buy them if you are allergic. -I will try to get the item to you as soon as possible. -I thoroughly check the items for damage before selling. However, there is always a chance of small damage I may have missed. -If an item is over $200, we may work out a payment plan.

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