Offbrand/taobao bag haul
Offbrand/taobao bag haul
A bunch of cute offbrand bags. The shell and donut have never been used and still have tags. The ice cream has only been used once, and the heart was purchased secondhand but is in decent condition. Warning: SOME OF THESE ARE REPLICAS. I know for a fact that the heart is an AP replica, the ice cream is likely a Kate Spade replica, and I’m not 100% on the donut and shell, so proceed with caution if you want to avoid knockoffs.
Shipping to United States: $12
Shipping outside United States: $20
Condition: Like New
Brand: Replica Design Replica
Style: Sweet, Otome, Casual
Colors: White, Creams, Blues, Pinks, Silver
Category: Bags and Purses
- Bid placed by coconut for $30 on 2019-03-24 15:11:06 UTC
- Bid placed by NebulaDarling for $30 on 2019-03-23 18:00:03 UTC
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