NWT Moitie Rose Garden Embroidery JSK (black x white) (REUPLOAD)

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Sold on: 09/16/24
Sold to: CHO SEOYUN (+120, -0) ()

Seller rating:

(+22, -0)
Seller location:
NWT Moitie Rose Garden Embroidery JSK (black x white) 

Has only been tried on once! 
Sadly the bodice / bust area is too large on me even with corset lacing. See Lolibrary for measurements.

Please contact me for a shipping quote before buying!
Shipping can be combined with other items.

Free shipping for this item within Germany.

Shipping to Europe: Contact seller for quote
Shipping outside Europe: Contact seller for quote
Condition: New With Tag
Brand: Moi Meme Moitie
Style: Gothic
Colors: Black, White
Reference Link: Lolibrary.Org
Category: Jumperskirt
TERMS OF SALE ******************** - Payment via PayPal only. Once I send an invoice, you have 48h to pay - in case you don’t, the purchase will be cancelled and the item reuploaded. - Please contact me for a shipping rate BEFORE making a purchase. Shipping costs are not included in the listing price! - I usually ship with DHL including a tracking number. I am not responsible for possible customs duties, lost or damaged packages. - I do not accept payment plans. *** All items come from a smoke-free home without pets. If used beforehand, I will clean the items before shipping.

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  • Bid placed by CHO SEOYUN for €231 on 2024-09-14 03:47:42 UTC