Navy Blue x Brown Striped OTKs

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Sold on: 10/23/21
Sold to: AscheRune (+81, -0) (68106)

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Selling these cute navy blue and brown OTKs! I believe they are supposed to be chocolate themed, with "yummy" being printed throughout the design. It would work with some sweet navy BTSSB prints or AP's Chocolate Rosette (or any other similar dresses)! 

Shipping to United States: $5
Shipping outside United States: $16
Condition: Good
Brand: Indie Japanese
Style: Sweet
Colors: Blues, Browns
Category: Socks and Tights
-I may take up to 24 hours to respond to any messages/payments -I ship within 5 work days, but will message you if any delays occur. -I only accept Paypal -Please always contact for international shipping -May take trades and offers into considered, but please ask first before buying (Mainly looking for Moitie and old school pieces at the moment)

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