This is the black version of the MMM Candelabra two way bag. Will come with the bag and strap accessory.
Selling off because it can't fit very much, and I carry a lot of things in my day to day! All I want is for it to go to a new home!
I am the first owner. There are light signs of use, but no peeling or obvious creases in the material. There is a small, light stain inside of the bag, which may be oil/perfume. No other issues otherwise!
Selling off because it can't fit very much, and I carry a lot of things in my day to day! All I want is for it to go to a new home!
I am the first owner. There are light signs of use, but no peeling or obvious creases in the material. There is a small, light stain inside of the bag, which may be oil/perfume. No other issues otherwise!
Shipping to United States: $10
This item does not ship outside United States
Condition: Very Good
Brand: Moi Meme Moitie
Style: Gothic
Colors: Black, Blues, Dark
Reference Link: Api.Lolibrary.Org
Category: Bags and Purses
Please read the item description before asking questions!
Shipping in the US tends to be $5.00 for accessories and $10-15.00 dollars for dresses; as well, you will always receiving a tracking number. I will try to make the shipping as cheap as possible without damaging the items for your convenience.
All sales are final for my purchases. Please be mindful of this while shopping around. :)
- Buy it Now placed by ylicec1xx for $70 on 2023-02-05 21:47:42 UTC
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