MmM BOLERO & IW corset

Sold for:


Sold on: 09/17/18
Sold to: Nyctophilian (+169, -0) ()

Seller rating:

(+37, -0)
Seller location:
Halluin - France
Selling this in lot because I don't wear them anymore.
Maybe worn twice in 10 years, in excellent conditions even if bought second hand.

Shipping to Europe: $15
Shipping outside Europe: $25
Condition: New Without Tag
Brand: Moi Meme Moitie
Style: Gothic, Kuro, Ouji
Colors: Black, Dark
Category: Boleros


Lainey over 6 years ago
Hi! What is the size of the corset around the waist? Thanks!
  • Buy it Now placed by Nyctophilian for $40 on 2018-09-17 19:27:29 UTC