Metamorphose - Little Squirrel OTK in brown

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Sold on: 03/07/21
Sold to: meltysquirrel (+436, -0) (Arizona)

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Seller rating:

(+189, -0)
Seller location:
08010, Spain
Brand new without tag

Impulsive purchase because they are TOO CUTE, but then never used them

Shipping to Europe: €9
Shipping outside Europe: €15
Condition: New Without Tag
Brand: Metamorphose
Style: Sweet, Classic, Country
Colors: Browns
Reference Link: Lolibrary.Org
Category: Socks and Tights
-Currently not shipping to Russia due to the multiple restrictions that delay the shipping, sorry -I live with three bunnies, I try to remove every hair but sometimes I can miss some. Allergic people beware! - Once I ship the item, I can't control what happens to it. If something went wrong let's talk about it! - I wash/dryclean every item before shipping and make sure everything is okay, but sometimes i can miss something. If there's anything wrong, please let me know!

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  • Buy it Now placed by meltysquirrel for €17 on 2021-03-07 17:33:31 UTC