[Leaving Lolita] DAMAGED Romantic Rose Sax JSK + Headbow

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Sold on: 04/28/22
Sold to: andrealauren (+14, -0) (usa,TN/37064)

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(+44, -0)
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DAMAGED: button was accidentally ripped off by my brother in law so a new button will need to be sewn on for one waist tie. Both waist ties are included, the button was just ripped off. 

Shipping to United States: $15
This item does not ship outside United States
Condition: Minor Damage
Brand: Angelic Pretty
Damage: Rips Or Tears
Style: Sweet
Colors: Blues
Category: Jumperskirt


FlyawayRenee almost 3 years ago
Is the front skirt actually faded or is it the lighting? I wasn't too sure since it seems slightly off from the rest of the dress
minimini almost 3 years ago
I think it’s the lighting but i’ll try to take more pictures in a different room. Sorry for the concern!
minimini almost 3 years ago
I took some more pics in different lighting so i hope this helps! it is that color all the way around as far as I can tell. https://imgur.com/a/3zMCUo8
FlyawayRenee almost 3 years ago
I figured it was the lighting since your lights appear to be warm toned. Thank you!
CinnamonCrab almost 3 years ago
What are the bust measurements for this dress?
minimini almost 3 years ago
Hi! I’m not sure of the official measurements but it has full back shirring so it’s pretty accommodating. The person I bought it from estimated the bust to go up to ~110cm but that’s an estimate!
CinnamonCrab almost 3 years ago
ah ok!! The other JSK releases of this dress seem to be about up to that size as well. Thank you :]
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