Iw chiffon op in Bordeaux
Iw chiffon op in Bordeaux
It is a dark Curry red / Bordeaux
Bust 47cm
Bust 47cm
Waist free
Length 90cm
Shipping to Europe: Contact seller for quote
Shipping outside Europe: Contact seller for quote
Condition: Good
Brand: Innocent World
Style: Classic
Colors: White, Reds
Category: Dresses
Versailles_Roses • about 5 years ago
ist der obere Teil eher weiß oder cremefarben? Und hat das Kleid irgendwelche Mängel?
ArtNote • about 5 years ago
Hello how much would shipping to the Netherlands be? also is there any discolouration on the collar?
- Buy it Now placed by DollieYasmin for €52 on 2020-02-16 21:33:06 UTC