Innocent World Emmie Rose JSK
Innocent World Emmie Rose JSK
Shipping to Canada and the USA is included in the price.
I just bought this off Lacemarket but it didn't quite fit me. There are no signs of damage or wear on this JSK
I just bought this off Lacemarket but it didn't quite fit me. There are no signs of damage or wear on this JSK
Shipping to Canada: C$0
Shipping outside Canada: Contact seller for quote
Condition: Very Good
Brand: Innocent World
Style: Classic
Colors: Reds, Blues, Pinks
Reference Link: Lolibrary.Org
Category: Jumperskirt
Ivybee • about 2 years ago
Hello! What are the measurements of this dress? Does lolibrary accurately reflect the largest measurements?
- Bid placed by Angela22449 for C$91 on 2022-12-29 11:49:29 UTC