Holy Lantern Socks [Purple]

Sold for:


Sold on: 03/06/19
Sold to: idiotinkorean (+477, -4) (Minnesota)

Sold by:
Seller rating:

(+131, -0)
Seller location:
San Francisco, California
Brand new

Shipping to United States: $9
Shipping outside United States: $0
Condition: New With Tag
Brand: Angelic Pretty
Category: Socks and Tights
Upon purchasing I will send a paypal invoice to the email provided. Please ensure your shipping address is correct. Once payment is made I will ship the item out the next day if possible! Pet free and smoke free home. I will only ship with tracking, unless buyer accepts responsibilities of it possibly getting lost in transit. I can also arrange a in person trade/sale if you live in the SF area. ALL sales are final No holds longer than 1 week Payment plans OK You will get negative feedback if * I don't receive payment within 24 HOURS * Backing out of a purchase


Nadile almost 6 years ago
How much for shipping to the UK?
teakims almost 6 years ago
I can't really say without going to the post office, have you made purchases from users in the past from the states for small items? Generally I have shipped products from the states to the UK but I wouldn't be surprised if the post office wants to charge me 20 dollars
  • Buy it Now placed by idiotinkorean for $30 on 2019-03-06 00:16:33 UTC