Emily Temple Cute Tea Cup Print Skirt

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Sold on: 12/06/17
Sold to: bellberry (+32, -0) (USA | 76262)

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(+41, -0)
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Due to the nature of the material and how often I know I have worn this, there are probably some small pulls in the fabric, but I could not locate any.

Shipping to United States: $7
Shipping outside United States: Contact seller for quote
Condition: Good
Brand: Emily Temple Cute
Style: Sweet, Otome, Casual
Colors: Yellows
Reference Link: Lolibrary.Org
Category: Skirts
- All payments must be made through Paypal in USD. - I do not accept payment/installment plans or layaway of items. - For those with severe allergies, please note that I have a cat. - Any measurements are amateur and taken by me unless otherwise noted. - Returns are not accepted.


ClassicAndy over 7 years ago
Do you have a waist measurement for this skirt? Lolibrary didn't list one. Thanks!
user7969 over 7 years ago
Apologies for the delay in responding. The waist measures approx 34 cm flat.
user7969 over 7 years ago
Cannot edit description since there is a bid on the item. Discovered a pin prick size stain near waistband. Photo upon request.
  • Bid placed by jobiberry for $38 on 2017-12-05 20:13:08 UTC
  • Bid placed by bellberry for $50 on 2017-11-30 04:35:32 UTC