Metamorphose Cherry Berry Skirt Blue

Sold for:


Sold on: 12/04/19
Sold to: topnotchtoad (+12, -1) (30609)

Seller rating:

(+57, -0)
Seller location:
USA, Georgia, 30601
Came in a Wunderwelt Lacemarket bundle awhile ago.
Includes Belt and bow pin
Was very yellowed when it arrived but I soaked it in oxyclean, washed, and hung to dry.
It is still a bit yellow but heaps better than when it arrived, yellowing could possibly still be lifted 
When I soaked it some of the red dye lifted and that lift is slightly noticeable on overlapped parts of the belt and bow - barely noticeable and does not photograph
The skirt is very full with built in petticoat, very cute and classic Meta vintage look!

Selling because it's just not my style

Shipping to United States: $0
Shipping outside United States: Contact seller for quote
Condition: Minor Damage
Brand: Metamorphose
Damage: Minor Stains, Wrinkled
Style: Sweet, Country
Colors: Reds, Blues
Reference Link: Lolibrary.Org
Category: Skirts
I do have a cat I do my best to avoid her hair touching my wardrobe I will ship the package within five business days of payment You will be notified once a package has been shipped I am not responsible for the package once it has shipped

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  • Buy it Now placed by topnotchtoad for $27 on 2019-12-04 22:06:43 UTC