CEL Lolita- The Saint's Prayer JSK (modified)

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Sold on: 08/31/20
Sold to: spectrakat (+42, -0) (38501/Tennessee)

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PLEASE NOTE this is not the exact same dress as the stock photo, or the lolibrary link. It doesn't have front lacing, instead it has buttons. I think this design has gone through a few different iterations since I bought this one, but I can't find this one anywhere.

CEL (taobao) Lolita - The Saint's Prayer JSK. I modified this by attaching an extra 7 inches of fabric to each strap and then wearing it in a halterneck style, crossed at the back. It makes it sit a bit lower on the bust so it gave it a nice length on me (5'6). It could be altered back to its original condition fairly easily. It includes the sash and the removable collar. There is a slight stain on the inside of the collar on the back, it looks like dye transferred from the dress. You can't see it when it's worn.

I can also include the 'matching' tights from this set at no extra cost, though be warned that they don't even remotely match the dress, they're actually green... but let me know if you'd like them!

Shipping to Europe: €15
Shipping outside Europe: €0
Condition: Minor Damage
Brand: Chinese Indie Taobao
Damage: Modified
Style: Gothic
Colors: Black
Reference Link: Lolibrary.Org
Category: Jumperskirt
no returns accepted


SofiKawaii over 4 years ago
Clould I have the measurements of the dress?
stepheses over 4 years ago
hello! sorry, i forgot to include them. by my measurements: bust 71cm- 96cm waist: 66cm - 81cm skirt length: 55cm there's also a lolibrary page for the newer version, it has more generous stretch measurements. i couldn't get it to stretch all the way while also measuring it so these might be more accurate https://lolibrary.org/items/taobao-cel-lolita-studio-the-holy-cross-jsk-ii thank you :D
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