BTSSB Welcome to the Sweets Hexenhaus Ribbon JSK in mint (minor damage)

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Sold on: 07/12/23
Sold to: Ceriae (+16, -0) (43016)

Seller rating:

(+137, -0)
Seller location:
Summer Cleaning

Purchased secondhand years ago but never ended up wearing. Waist ties are discolored but not overly terrible. I'm assuming they were hung up in a sunny area detached from the dress which looks fine itself.

I do have rabbits and a cat so if you have severe allergies, please be aware. I do lint roll everything before it shipping but you never know.  I always refund shipping differences. 

Shipping to United States: $15
This item does not ship outside United States
Condition: Minor Damage
Brand: Baby The Stars Shine Bright
Damage: Minor Stains
Style: Sweet, Classic, Country
Colors: Creams, Greens, Browns
Reference Link: Lolibrary.Org
Category: Jumperskirt
I only to payment plans with buyers who have positive reviews. I do not ship internationally. Please pay within 48 hours of invoicing.

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