BTSSB Military / Steam JSK
BTSSB Military / Steam JSK
Listing expired on: 08/07/18
A velveteen dress good for Fall
BTSSB military style JSK
Color is brown, with ivory and gold detailing, has a brooch
Velveteen material, bought at closet child shinjuku
There is partial back shirring with corset lacing.
BTSSB military style JSK
Color is brown, with ivory and gold detailing, has a brooch
Velveteen material, bought at closet child shinjuku
There is partial back shirring with corset lacing.
Shipping to United States: $10
Shipping outside United States: $19
Condition: Very Good
Brand: Baby The Stars Shine Bright
Colors: Creams, Browns, Gold
Category: Jumperskirt
owls • almost 8 years ago
Sure I'll try to take some more pictures today since it's in storage at my mom's place I'll head over there, I'll message you when they're made available.