Btssb Gingham Rose Ribbon OP in pink

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Sold on: 04/24/20
Sold to: nyamew (+64, -0) (17224)

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(+82, -0)
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Bought on here recently, reselling since I just don’t think it suits me. It’s in good condition but has a very small stain around the neck (it had this stain when I received it), though it mostly came out when I washed it so it’s really not noticable, especially not when worn. Detachable sleeves and waist ties included.

please message before buying since I can currently only ship to a limited list of countries due to the pandemic!

Shipping to Europe: $18
Shipping outside Europe: $18
Condition: Good
Brand: Baby The Stars Shine Bright
Damage: Minor Stains
Style: Sweet, Classic, Country, Casual
Colors: Creams, Greens, Reds, Pinks, Pastels
Category: Dresses


fawny over 4 years ago
Lolibrary lists the bust at 82cm. Is this accurate?
angelsoap over 4 years ago
Yes, I would say so :)
  • Buy it Now placed by nyamew for $73 on 2020-04-24 16:37:39 UTC