Bodyline skirt

Sold for:


Sold on: 04/17/19
Sold to: Antoinette (+85, -0) (Berlin, Germany)

Seller rating:

(+42, -1)
Seller location:
Size Small

Shipping to Europe: Contact seller for quote
Shipping outside Europe: Contact seller for quote
Condition: Good
Brand: Bodyline
Style: Sweet, Classic, Country, Casual
Colors: White, Blues
Category: Skirts


Antoinette almost 6 years ago
Hello, how much would shipping be to 10439 Germany? Preferably insured if possible.
stephanie-nounours almost 6 years ago
Hi ! From France to Germany probably 24-25 euros because this skirt is heavy :) & in France shipping cost is now so much expensive! Thank you
Antoinette almost 6 years ago
That is indeed expensive, but I know that it is pretty heavy, no worries. :) Do you still have the detachable bow that came with it?
stephanie-nounours almost 6 years ago
Unfortunately no, I've never had the bow ( probably lost in customs office during parcel control before I received the skirt :( )
Antoinette almost 6 years ago
Ah, too bad - but I think the skirt is still darling by itself. :) Thanks for answering my questions!
  • Buy it Now placed by Antoinette for €16 on 2019-04-17 15:30:44 UTC