Atelier Pierrot Standing Collar Blouse OP - never worn

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Sold on: 11/17/22
Sold to: idealia (+11, -0) (California 94110)

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(+12, -0)
Seller location:
Los Angeles, CA 90024
I bought this a little over a year ago, and it's just a little too small for me to make it work. Equivalent of NWT, but I don't think it had tags attached? With original plastic hanger though! Unworn, thick fabric, attached neck bow and sash, back shirring, ribbon lacing over the shirring, working buttons all the way down. Regimental stripe, 100% cotton shell.
NOTE: I added the bust and waist measurements from Lolibrary. I can remeasure for anyone who has concerns. Also note the max bust and waist listed on lolilibrary are a little smaller than the ranges listed on lolibrary-- if it's iffy, PLEASE ask for more measurements !
UPDATE: Measured, messed up the measurements, and measured again! Shoulders ~ 40cm; waist is 38cm flat, without stretching the shirring. THe last two photos are of the shirring unstretched and then stretched as an estimate.

Shipping to United States: $10
Shipping outside United States: Contact seller for quote
Condition: New Without Tag
Brand: Atelier Pierrot
Style: Classic, Gothic
Colors: Black, Reds, Blues
Reference Link: Lolibrary.Org
Category: One Piece


Lemonjolly over 2 years ago
would a waist 80, shoulder 38 fit this piece... ;u;
Lemonjolly over 2 years ago
would a waist 80, shoulder 38 fit this piece... ;u;
KitVishnu over 2 years ago
hello! Sorry, was away over the weekend, but will measure this asap and let you know!
KitVishnu over 2 years ago
Okay, the shoulder width is about 40cm, but I'm concerned the waist is more like 70cm (it's 34cm across, flat). I'm adding pics of my attempts to measure--
KitVishnu over 2 years ago
Okay, THANK YOU for following up on this, because I thought my measurements seemed weird, but was rushing around and sure enough- the sash was tied in the back and my numbers are totally wrong! Thank goodness! New numbers, and (although it takes forever now due to stupid phones new file format conversion, finally properly adding more pics of measurements too, for real now!) WAIST (flat): 38cm. 18cm of shirring in back, seems to stretch from 18cm to about 27cm!
idealia over 2 years ago
Hi there, your description of the measurements imply that the max measurements of the dress on Lolibrary are incorrect, and that the dress is actually smaller, is that correct? Could you share your measurements and let me know how it fits?
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