Alice Girl ~Crowned Princess~ Back Tail

Sold for:

128 kr

Sold on: 07/12/23
Sold to: azuranyan (+72, -0) (NH 03102)

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(I accidently brought two back tail, and I only need one, so I’ll try my luck here. 😊)

The tail has two butons on the last picture that was meant for the dress (look on reference-link).
But you can use the fabric as a shoulder shawl/cape (you can sew it on your dress’s shoulder sleeves), or perhaps, you can use it as a veil with a small crown to a vintage lolita-themed wedding. 🥰

Shipping to Europe: 96 kr
Shipping outside Europe: 96 kr
Condition: New Without Tag
Brand: Alice Girl
Damage: Modified
Style: Classic, Hime
Colors: Creams
Reference Link: Www.Lolitawardrobe.Com
Category: Other Accessories
I’ll only accept Paypal. (As for the shipping fee, I just wanted to inform you the safest and most recommended fee costs 140 kr internationally.)

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