Alice and the Pirates Vampire Requiem high-waist skirt in red (2009)

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Sold on: 01/04/24
Sold to: Veste (+61, -0) (48197)

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Bought new on release, actually my first purchase that wasn't second-hand. It's deliciously kitschy, the texture of the fabric is lovely, but the plastic boning was a long way from real corsetry and then it poked out soon enough despite me fitting the official measurements with a 67cm waist. I'm selling it as is. Be sure to pay good attention to the pictures before purchasing it (I'm not sure I have all the poking out bones pictured but they look the same anyway).

Info extracted from Baby the Star Shines Bright website, october 2009

product n° : 105P520
product name : Vampire Requiem柄 コルセットスカ / Vampire Requiem corset
price : \17,640-(本体価格¥16,800-)
size : スカート丈: 約50cm・ コルセット: 約16cm・ウエスト: 約60〜70cm / Length:50cm(19.69inch)・Corset:16cm (6.30inch)・Waist:60〜70cm (23.63〜27.56inch)
color : 生成×生成レース・ラベンダー×ラベンダーレース・エンジ×黒レース・黒×黒レース(茶)/ IvoryxIvory lace・LavenderxLavender lace・RedxBlack lace・BlackxBlack lace
quality : 綿 100% ポリエステル 100% / Cotton 100% Polyester 100%
comment : 妖しげなVampire柄の エレガントなコルセットスカートです。

Tracked letter <500g
France: 6,80€
International: 17,35€
For countries located outside of the EU, a phone number is mandatory.

My clothes aren't stored at my place and I will only come and pick them up in the weekend, therefore shipping will be the following week. If I've already left the place when you conclude the sale then it will be even later.

Shipping to Europe: Contact seller for quote
Shipping outside Europe: Contact seller for quote
Condition: Major Damage
Brand: Alice And The Pirates
Style: Gothic
Colors: Black, Reds
Reference Link: Web.Archive.Org
Category: Skirts

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