Comments Rating Link
Pleasure to sell to. Paid promptly when they said they would, and very friendly.
- candicebear (Seller)
Positive (05/07/20) Strawberry Dolly OP + headdress 2007 05/07/20
Seller was incredibly communicative when there were shipping delays. Would gladly buy from them again!
- avina (Buyer)
Positive (04/30/20) 2002 Old School Metamorphose Crown Set 04/30/20
The buyer's communication was clear and friendly, and the invoice was paid quickly. Thank you for a pleasant transaction.
- cherry_sp (Seller)
Positive (02/26/20) Bodyline Black and Pink Triple Buckle High Waist Tartan Skirt Size M NWT 02/26/20
Wonderful buyer:) she was very sweet and easy to work with. Paid on time and had great communication! Thank you so so much for your purchase!
- sydieee (Seller)
Positive (02/10/20) Metamorphose Gobelin Print (Antique Bouquet) OP 02/10/20
Great transaction, buyer was quick to pay and easy to communicate with. I hope you get lots of use out of these cute bloomers!
- AloraMay (Seller)
Positive (01/28/20) INFANTA long bloomers (black) 01/28/20
Paid quickly, good buyer :)
- user_27925 (Seller)
Positive (01/18/20) Shirring Lace Blouse (L157) - Bodyline - Size M 01/18/20
Fast oaymemt. No issues
- GrimPassion (Seller)
Positive (01/13/20) Bodyline pink long bloomers 01/13/20
Part of a big bulk set! I'm always happy to see this buyer around. She's always a pleasure to talk to and to do business with!
- MirrorMannequin (Seller)
Positive (12/23/19) *reserved* Emily Temple Cute Embroidered Heart JSK 12/23/19
Part of a big bulk set! I'm always happy to see this buyer around. She's always a pleasure to talk to and to do business with!
- MirrorMannequin (Seller)
Positive (12/23/19) *reserved* h.Naoto Jelly Red and Gold Set 12/23/19
Part of a big bulk set! I'm always happy to see this buyer around. She's always a pleasure to talk to and to do business with!
- MirrorMannequin (Seller)
Positive (12/23/19) *reserved* h.Naoto Blood Butterfly Skirt 12/23/19
Part of a big bulk set! I'm always happy to see this buyer around. She's always a pleasure to talk to and to do business with!
- MirrorMannequin (Seller)
Positive (12/23/19) *reserved* h.Naoto Honey Butterfly Skirt 12/23/19
Part of a big bulk set! I'm always happy to see this buyer around. She's always a pleasure to talk to and to do business with!
- MirrorMannequin (Seller)
Positive (12/23/19) *reserved* Victorian Maiden Frill Lace Miniskirt 12/23/19
Thank you for a pleasant transaction.
- cherry_sp (Seller)
Positive (12/23/19) Bodyline Pink Phenan Rose Print JSK (L164) Size M NWT 12/23/19
Just as described, great communication from seller!
- PrincessKit (Buyer)
Positive (11/29/19) Diamond Honey Gingham Chiffon OP Set 11/29/19
Just as described, great communication from seller!
- PrincessKit (Buyer)
Positive (11/29/19) Diamond Honey Gingham Chiffon OP Set 11/29/19
Seller was quick to communicate both when the item was purchased and when it shipped, and the item arrived in good condition. Thank you!
- spaceouji (Buyer)
Positive (11/21/19) Taobao Jellyfish OP 11/21/19
A very pleasant seller, easy to communicate with and pretty quick to respond. Shipping time varies, but once it’s shipped it’s pretty quick! Packaging was ok, and the item was as described (but needed a wash/cleaning). Overall, a good seller :) thank you!
- Pebbley (Buyer)
Positive (11/21/19) BtSSB Twinkle Constellation OP 11/21/19
Great buyer! Great communication and paid quickly. Thank you!!
- pikurusu (Seller)
Positive (09/10/19) Baby, the Stars Shine Bright Quintet OP (2004), Ivory *Heavily Modified/Damaged* 09/10/19
The buyer's communication was clear and friendly, and the invoice was paid quickly. Thank you for a pleasant transaction.
- cherry_sp (Seller)
Positive (09/09/19) Bodyline Pink/Off-White Heart Pattern Lace UTKs (Socks540) NWOT 09/09/19
Great buyer! Paid very quickly and was very communicative.
- eclipseisil (Seller)
Positive (09/08/19) IW- Strawberry Tart Simple OP 09/08/19