Comments Rating Link
Good transaction! Very good buyer with quick payment, reasonable to speak with. Would sell to again!
- Roguecrx (Seller)
Positive (04/09/15) Automatic Honey Moon Magic Necklace (Yellow Colourway) 04/09/15
Paid quickly, and kept me updated when package arrived. I highly recommend this buyer! :3
- Airyu (Seller)
Positive (03/18/15) KokoKim Poison Candy Jsk 03/18/15
Arrived quickly and is as described :]
- Bunnibunnichan (Buyer)
Positive (03/15/15) Gothic Lolita Hair Accessory Lot 03/15/15
- Bbuns (Buyer)
Positive (03/11/15) AP Etoile Toe Shoes Print White Cutsew 03/11/15
Great seller, would recommend!
- LeylaSugarbunny (Buyer)
Positive (01/25/15) AP Ribbon Border OTK 01/25/15
Arrived safe and sound. Pleasant to work with - would do business with again!
- eyeliner (Buyer)
Positive (01/24/15) AP Creamy Mami Magical Angel Crew Length Socks 01/24/15
Received the item and it was very well wrapped and shipping was as agreed on! I couldn't be happier!
- chibichang (Buyer)
Positive (12/31/14) *SOLD* AatP Midsummer Night's Dream Silver Bracelet 12/31/14
Absolutely gorgeous blouse with excellent quality. I'm very happy with it, and is my most beautiful blouse that I own now.
- Nemuri (Buyer)
Positive (12/30/14) Infanta Long Sleeve Blouse 12/30/14
Arrived fast and just as described! Great bolero, thank you!
- reoplusone (Buyer)
Positive (12/05/14) Bodyline Frilled Black Bolero 12/05/14
:D Shipped quickly and just as described! The seller also kept in touch and let me know when they were shipped.
- carrotcup (Buyer)
Positive (10/02/14) BtSSB Clockwork Tea Party OTKs 10/02/14