Comments Rating Link
Pure pleasure to work with this buyer. Everything was prompt and easy. Thank you for understanding my lack of time : ) best regards!
- melonpan (Seller)
Positive (12/22/16) Angelic Pretty colorful sherbet camisole in lavender 12/22/16
great buyer đź’› Would sell to again
- AsamiMoon (Seller)
Positive (12/20/16) Angelic Pretty Wrapping Heart Op in Mint 12/20/16
Beautiful dress just as described. Lovely lady. Would definitely do a similar transaction.
- BabySham (Buyer)
Positive (12/20/16) Angelic pretty wrapping heart op in mint 12/20/16
Great buyer, would definitely sell to again. Paid right away and was very communicative. Some post issues with the delivery service in her country, but she kept me informed and the package arrived safely.
- hyperkiss (Seller)
Positive (12/06/16) Decoration Dream OP set in pink 12/06/16
Lovely buyer, super nice and easy to deal with. Payment plan went as promised and she paid up with no problems at all. Nice communication. Would definitely sell to her again!
- DuzellSan (Seller)
Positive (10/21/16) AP Dreamy Girl Skirt + Headbow Sax 10/21/16
Excellent buyer! Absolutely reliable, super smooth communication, she paid very quickly and kept me updated when she received the dress! Thank you so much for the sale!
- Tiya (Seller)
Positive (05/31/16) Angelic Pretty Sugar Hearts JSK 05/31/16
Fantastic buyer! :D
- Lemongrab (Seller)
Positive (04/07/15) Dream Sky OP 04/07/15