Comments Rating Link
Very quick to ship out! Skirt is just as described. Great seller with excellent communication.
- sweetmousse (Buyer)
Positive (01/15/21) Mermaid Princess Skirt Navy 01/15/21
Great seller - would buy from again! Everything was very prompt - shipping, messages. Dress exactly as described in great condition. Thank you!
- niaang (Buyer)
Positive (01/15/21) Meta - Vintage Fuit JSK 01/15/21
Awesome buyer! Paid quickly and was very responsive to messages. Brought a couple issues to my attention that I had not been aware of, and we worked out a solution. Thank you!
- neobedouins (Seller)
Positive (07/27/20) Diner Doll JSK | FREE SHIPPING 07/27/20
Really nice, the item arrived so quickly! Very friendly and communicative :)
- honeynectars (Buyer)
Positive (01/17/20) **Reserved for honeynectars** Hinana Queen - Moira - Light Blue x Dusty Pink 01/17/20
The packaging was tight and dress is in excellent condition! Seller was not only prompt but very friendly to negotiate shipping option. Thank you so much for I now have my dream dress at last. I would love to make a deal with you again :)
- Min Jung Kim (Buyer)
Positive (12/16/19) Queen of Rose Garden Set - Lucky Pack Ver. Black x Red 12/16/19
Great seller! The dress arrived quickly and just as described.
- hazysummerskies (Buyer)
Positive (09/14/19) Meta Mermaid Princess Ribbon Shirred JSK (PINK) 09/14/19
Great buyer with quick payment! Thank you! ♡
- bishoujo_bunny (Seller)
Positive (09/01/19) Angelic Pretty Ghost Night Bride JSK in wine 09/01/19
Great communication, dress arrived clean and just as described, great transaction! Would buy from again~
- Saffron (Buyer)
Positive (08/27/19) BTSSB Shirring Princess JSK and Bow Set PINK 08/27/19
Everything was perfect! The socks arrived safely! Thank you!
- LionKnite (Buyer)
Positive (08/27/19) Mint-Chocolate A/P Diamonds OTKs 08/27/19
Shipped right away and item was in great condition like how it was listed!
- vaultgirl (Buyer)
Positive (08/26/19) Minor Damage Angelic Pretty Full Shirring Blouse w/ Detachable Sleeves 08/26/19
Beautiful lace and arrived quickly!
- Growlithe (Buyer)
Positive (08/22/19) BABY White Headbow 08/22/19
Great seller! Fast shipping and good communication! Item arrived in excellent condition! Thank you!
- sesshiotaku12 (Buyer)
Positive (08/16/19) Toy Parade (2012) Black JSK 08/16/19
Great buyer. Paid in a timely manner and was wonderful to work with.
- YellowEyes1467 (Seller)
Positive (08/15/19) Hinana Queen Moira OP in Navy x Wine Set Size XL 08/15/19
Quick payment, no issues. Would sell to again!
- branther (Seller)
Positive (02/10/17) Brown antaina shoes 02/10/17
Excellent seller, very comunicative, fast and friendly! Would definitely buy from again!
- lynney (Buyer)
Positive (11/23/15) Milky Planet (2013 Re-Release) Salopette Set 11/23/15