Comments Rating Link
Lovely seller, friendly and shipped my item out super quick! Arrived just as described and well packaged, would buy from them again :)
- keshouho (Buyer)
Positive (10/12/22) AP Lemon Ring 10/12/22
Thankyou for a pleasant transaction!
- angelwing (Seller)
Positive (10/11/22) Angelic Pretty Fluffy Bunny Hairclip in Yellow and White 10/11/22
Thankyou again for a lovely transaction!
- angelwing (Seller)
Positive (10/10/22) Angelic Pretty Candy Fun Fair Headbow in Mint 10/10/22
Thanks a millon :) cute hoodie and lovely seller :)
- Jonida (Buyer)
Positive (10/09/22) AP Fairy Tale Pompom Parka (Ivory) 10/09/22
Always kind and very communicate! Perfect buyer to deal with💘
- Chanyeolexo (Seller)
Positive (10/02/22) AP Sugar Hearts Color Cutsew (2014) in white 10/02/22
Very beautiful!!! Seemingly came in better condition than expected !
- MewMewMadness (Buyer)
Positive (09/30/22) Dreamy Baby Room kc pink 09/30/22
Arrived quickly and just as described! Thanks so much!
- Haezeh (Buyer)
Positive (09/25/22) AP fluffy ribbon wrist cuffs 09/25/22
Got the item in a timely manner
- Niconiko (Buyer)
Positive (09/20/22) BB&B Deco Dark Sweets Macaron Necklace 09/20/22
Thanks! Enjoy~
- nosoi (Seller)
Positive (09/16/22) Design Replica Milky Chan the Fawn Bag 09/16/22
Prompt on payment and communication, highly recommend~
- shiroqt (Seller)
Positive (09/03/22) Brand New AP Soap Bubbles JSK (Pink) Set 09/03/22
Awesome thank you!
- Mahouskeletor (Buyer)
Positive (08/26/22) Little Twin Stars salo mint x pink set 08/26/22
Super sweet and was kind enough to combine my orders!
- Mahouskeletor (Buyer)
Positive (08/26/22) Mewcoco Little Frosting Puff Sleeves Blouse 08/26/22
Seller was willing to bundle items to combine shipping for me! And was also patient when I first inquired and then followed up a couple of weeks later. Overall, fast, easy transaction. Items were shipped quickly and arrived exactly as described. Thank you!
- keegerator (Buyer)
Positive (08/18/22) Metamorphose Ribbon headdress (wine) 08/18/22
Seller was willing to bundle items to combine shipping for me! And was also patient when I first inquired and then followed up a couple of weeks later. Overall, fast, easy transaction. Items were shipped quickly and arrived exactly as described. Thank you!
- keegerator (Buyer)
Positive (08/18/22) MeLikesTea KC pink x black 08/18/22
Always a great pleasure to work with them♡
- Anmitsu (Seller)
Positive (08/10/22) Wonder Cookie Scrunchy Chouchou Pink 08/10/22
quick shipper
- creepyhime (Buyer)
Positive (08/07/22) Floral Petticoat 45cm (black x black) 08/07/22
Good buyer!
- LemonCandy (Seller)
Positive (08/06/22) Angelic Pretty Fantastic Perfume Necklace 08/06/22
Lovely buyer! Thank you!
- khlorine (Seller)
Positive (07/23/22) Lady Sloth Bat Rhapsody Beret 07/23/22
Amazing and super kind and understanding seller! came super super fast from when it was paid and when it arrived. No complaints here, overall perfect :)
- Shibono (Buyer)
Positive (07/20/22) AP Nursery SK blk 07/20/22
Good buying experience l
- razorwind124 (Buyer)
Positive (07/17/22) RESERVED (razorwind124) AP Fairytale KC ( sax ) 07/17/22