Comments Rating Link
Great seller! Seller invoiced promptly and shipped quickly, item was as described. Thanks so much - would happily buy from again.
- regrettably (Buyer)
Positive (08/21/22) Chess Story Long sleeve White Blouse Size L 08/21/22
Excellent buyer!
- LemonCandy (Seller)
Positive (07/17/22) Angelic Pretty Jewel Marine OTKs 07/17/22
Buyer paid quickly and had excellent communication. Thank you!
- kim_elaine (Seller)
Positive (06/14/22) Meta Sweet Rabbits Bustle JSK Set (small modifications) 06/14/22
Good buyer!
- LemonCandy (Seller)
Positive (06/01/22) Angelic Pretty Polka Dot Chocolate OTKs 06/01/22
Great communication and quick payment! Very easy transaction overall. Recommended !!🎀
- Ribbon-X-Ribbon (Seller)
Positive (05/25/22) SET Angelic Pretty Polka Dot Chocolate Salopette + barette 05/25/22
The shoes fit perfect and match the description well!
- unihornprincess (Buyer)
Positive (04/12/22) NEW Pink Bodyline Heart Shoes/Pumps (26 cm / 9.5-10 US) 04/12/22
The buyer was very friendly and the transactions and communications went super smoothly! I'm glad you liked the extras too; thank you so much once again! ^^
- ikiryio (Seller)
Positive (03/07/22) BTSSB Doki Doki Strawberry Magic JSK II + Apron in Pink 03/07/22
Great buyer, thank you!
- frenchfry256 (Seller)
Positive (02/20/22) Cursed Taobao Boots w/ Strawberry Charm 02/20/22
Great buyer!
- emmared (Seller)
Positive (01/16/22) Balloon lot of two Red black polka dot chiffon blouse 01/16/22
Thanks for shopping with us. This buyer paid right away O(≧∇≦o) Hope you enjoy the dress and see you again! ୧༼✿ ͡◕ д ◕͡ ༽୨
- MerryLoli (Seller)
Positive (01/08/22) Bust 72-98cm Oil Painting Series Seeker Lolita Dress JSK 01/08/22
Although i got the dress set with some smell, it was in perfect condition. The seller was kind. She gave me some advice on how to wash it and refunded on the dry cleaning fee. Thank you!
- Agraynel (Buyer)
Positive (11/22/21) 2013 Dream Sky OP + Matching Head bow in Navy Angelic Pretty 11/22/21
Great communication all the way through. Highly recommended.
- greeneyesgirl (Seller)
Positive (10/15/21) Fluffy Tori Black patterned Coat 10/15/21
Great buyer with excellent communication. Fast payment and let me know when the OP came in safe. Would love to do business with you again (´ ∀ ` *)
- Erika Ayala (Seller)
Positive (10/11/21) Dream Sky OP 2013 10/11/21
Good buyer!
- NG834 (Seller)
Positive (10/07/21) Angelic Pretty Lovely Bathroom Special JSK 10/07/21
Buyer was quick to pay and very easy to communicate with.
- cassyblue (Seller)
Positive (09/15/21) AP Dream Sky Hair Clip [STAINED] 09/15/21
Excellent buyer! Very pleasant and easy transaction! Highly recommend ♡
- jobiberry (Seller)
Positive (09/01/21) Axes Femme scalloped wooden bottom shoes- Black Medium 09/01/21
Excellent buyer! Thank you for a positive experience and a very easy transaction. Highly recommend!
- jobiberry (Seller)
Positive (09/01/21) Axes Femme scalloped wooden bottom shoes- Ivory Medium 09/01/21
Buyer is very pleasant to work with, communicative and understanding. Payment was very prompt and updates were given. Would do business with again. Thank you!
- 4millennia (Seller)
Positive (08/21/21) CLOSET CLEANOUT Angelic Pretty Dream Heart Shoulder Bag MINT 08/21/21