Comments Rating Link
Great buyer who paid promptly, was quick with communication, and was patient. Thank you!
- aggrogator (Seller)
Positive (01/15/15) JetJ Belle Fille bolero 01/15/15
Excellent buyer : ) Would love to do business again!
- alainaantonia (Seller)
Positive (01/09/15) reserved for ehri - twlite fashion hair clip 01/09/15
Great buyer! Paid Quick.Will defiantly do business with again.
- alainaantonia (Seller)
Positive (01/09/15) reserved for ehri - little dipper blouse 01/09/15
Wonderful buyer!! Very fast payment, and quick communication:)
- missingwin (Seller)
Positive (01/09/15) Matryoshka The Nesting Doll Series Shirred Ruched Skirt 01/09/15
Lovely buyer with a quick payment, very quick easy sale :)
- Grace Ruby (Seller)
Positive (01/07/15) Angelic Pretty Inspired Milky Chan Sweet Fawn Embroidered Patch 01/07/15
quick payment, excellent communication!
- mossbadger (Seller)
Positive (01/05/15) custom rosette order for Jenna 01/05/15
Very responsive buyer, payment seemed almost instant!
- RaevynnPS (Seller)
Positive (12/21/14) AaTP Angel Wings Blouse 12/21/14
Awesome buyer, nearly immediate payment!
- RaevynnPS (Seller)
Positive (12/21/14) Gold Antaina Teaparties 12/21/14
Very prompt with payment and responses! Great buyer.
- firetake (Seller)
Positive (12/14/14) NWT - Knit&Co. Beige Lace Turtleneck - M 12/14/14
Paid very quickly and no issues. A pleasure to work with!
- carrotcup (Seller)
Positive (12/01/14) Innocent World Cream Rose Headband 12/01/14
Fantastic buyer! Quick communication and payment, thank you! :)
- deadlyvu (Seller)
Positive (11/24/14) Metamorphose Bow Knit Cardigan 11/24/14
Fast payment. Excellent buyer!
- blondesocialite (Seller)
Positive (11/15/14) juliette et justine Le monde de l'ange 11/15/14
Excellent buyer, super fast payment and communication. Thank you very much!
- Lauran (Seller)
Positive (11/04/14) IW Heart Button Cardigan 11/04/14
perfect buyer! very easy to work with - paid quickly and responded to messages fast! would highly recommend (:
- Jessi (Seller)
Positive (10/16/14) AATP Poison de l’amour Princess JSK in pink 10/16/14
Buyer paid promptly and let me know wheb the item arrived! Thank you very much!
- mythicbeast (Seller)
Positive (10/11/14) ahcahcum muchacha Bunny Bag 10/11/14
Great buyer! She paid immediately, and let me know when the item was received. I would gladly do business with her again!
- mintymuffins (Seller)
Positive (10/11/14) Innocent World Spade Purse in Brown 10/11/14
Good buyer!
- ramblerori (Seller)
Positive (10/08/14) Baroque Three Strap Ribbon Shoes in Silver 10/08/14
Good Buyer!
- yuezhou91 (Seller)
Positive (09/27/14) Off Brand Handmade Flower Clip 09/27/14
Very fast payment and good communication. Thank you!
- dorilys (Seller)
Positive (09/24/14) Juliette et Justine Dentelle antique chemisier-Écru 09/24/14
The transaction went very smoothly. I would gladly sell to this buyer again!
- pegacornalley (Seller)
Positive (09/19/14) Meta Lavender x Off-White Scalloped Striped OTK Socks 09/19/14