Taobao XL OP

Sold for:


Sold on: 01/22/18
Sold to: Asahinawannabe (+1, -0) (USA, Washington)

Sold by:
Seller rating:

(+2, -0)
Seller location:
US, Hawaii 96818
$40 OBO

Purchased from Lacemarket a couple years ago and have only worn it once. There is some minor damage so that is reflected in the price. This op is plus size friendly, fitting a waist of up to 34 inches. Please contact me for shipping costs, as this dress will be shipping from Oahu, Hawaii.

Shipping to United States: Contact seller for quote
Shipping outside United States: Contact seller for quote
Condition: Minor Damage
Damage: Rips Or Tears
Style: Sweet, Classic, Country
Colors: White, Creams, Browns, Pinks, Pastels
Category: Dresses
All buyers must pay within 2 days of purchase, unless you have spoken to me about a hold/payment plan beforehand. Items will be shipped within a day of purchase(excluding Sunday) unless otherwise specified in the listing. I have a dog but she isn't allowed upstairs where I keep my wardrobe. Please keep this in mind if you have a severe allergy.


sweaterfingers about 7 years ago
what is the bust measurement?
heychar1ie about 7 years ago
The person who sold it to me said 98 cm. It fit my 40 inch bust fine, but a bit snug.
monichiko about 7 years ago
What/where is the damage? Is there any brand name?
heychar1ie about 7 years ago
The damage is to the hem/bottom layer of chiffon. It's small and doesn't draw the eye. The dress itself is Infanta size XL
  • Buy it Now placed by Asahinawannabe for $40 on 2018-01-22 19:22:03 UTC