BTSSB Princess Drop Headdress in Light Pink

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Sold on: 01/23/24
Sold to: Cutestthulu (+11, -0) (94401)

Seller rating:

(+20, -0)
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Cute pink head dress with baby charm logo! Unsure what year release this is. Bought second hand and worn only a few times by me. 

Some yellowing on the lace and head dress has a feeling of wear. The left bow lace on the left came undone and I was unsuccessful and trying to re-tie it and make it look nice. T_T

Shipping to United States: $8
This item does not ship outside United States
Condition: Minor Damage
Damage: Piling, Minor Stains
Style: Sweet, Hime
Colors: White, Pinks
Category: Headdresses
- no returns - USA shipping only - Please be sure that the address on your PayPal is CORRECT. I will still reach out to confirm, but I am NOT responsible if you made an error when putting in the address. - NOT RESPONSIBLE AFTER SHIPPING. - I work a 9-5 job from M-F, so I only ship on Saturdays! - Please message me with any additional questions <3

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  • Bid placed by Cutestthulu for $35 on 2024-01-17 02:42:48 UTC
  • Bid placed by cherubowm for $30 on 2024-01-16 18:01:55 UTC