Bodyline white Wristcuffs

Sold for:


Sold on: 12/26/18
Sold to: Alisa (+54, -0) (98273)

Seller rating:

(+44, -1)
Seller location:
Bodyline white Wristcuffs
Worn one time for a couple of hours
I have pets
Thanks for looking!

Shipping to United States: $2
This item does not ship outside United States
Condition: Very Good
Style: Sweet
Colors: White
Category: Gloves and Wristwear
Please if you have any questions send directly in a direct message for I do not always see the comments! Thank you Please do not bid on any of my auctions if you do not intend to pay! Once the auction has ended, I will send you a message disclosing shipping Im not responsible for lost packages Payment is expected within two days after auction has ended Unless circumstantial If no payment is received, then a negative feedback will be given I only accept paypal Items are shipped within three days after payment is received No trades, or payment plans are offered at this time


meltycakes about 6 years ago
Hello, how much would shipping be to the UK? Thank you
  • Buy it Now placed by Alisa for $10 on 2018-12-26 00:30:05 UTC